Effective date: March 7, 2024

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Terms & Conditions for Website Purchases

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Changes to the Terms

We are constantly trying to improve our products and services, so these Terms may need to change along with Inside Out Psychology Inc. We reserve the right to change the Terms at any time, but if we do, we will bring it to your attention by placing a notice on the website, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means.

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Miscellaneous Terms

The above covers most of the questions that we typically receive about Inside Out Psychology Inc. We have grouped provisions that come up less frequently below:

  • Indemnification: To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold Inside Out Psychology Inc, its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or in any way related to any third party claims relating to (a) your use of Inside Out Psychology Inc (including any actions taken by a third party using your account), and (b) your violation of these Terms. In the event of such a claim, suit, or action, we will attempt to provide notice to the contact information we have for your account (provided that failure to deliver such notice shall not eliminate or reduce your indemnification obligations hereunder).
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  • Arbitration and Class Action Waiver: Any dispute arising from or relating to the subject matter of these Terms shall be finally settled by arbitration in Santa Clara County County, California, in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (“JAMS”) then in effect, by one commercial arbitrator with substantial experience in resolving intellectual property and commercial contract disputes, who shall be selected from the appropriate list of JAMS arbitrators in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS. Judgment upon the award so rendered may be entered in a court having jurisdiction, or application may be made to such court for judicial acceptance of any award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you and Inside Out Psychology Inc shall have the right to institute an action in a court of proper jurisdiction for injunctive or other equitable relief pending a final decision by the arbitrator. For all purposes of these Terms, you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state or federal courts located in, respectively, Santa Clara County, California, or the Northern District of California. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding arising out of these Terms will be entitled to an award of costs and attorneys’ fees. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you and Inside Out Psychology Inc agree that all claims against the other can only be brought in an individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, consolidated, or other representative proceeding. We agree that arbitrators may not conduct any class, consolidated, or representative proceeding, and are limited to providing relief warranted by an individual party’s claim.
  • No Third-Party Beneficiaries: We agree there are no third-party beneficiaries intended under these Terms.
  • No Joint Venture: You hereby acknowledge and agree that you are not an employee, agent, partner, or joint venture of Inside Out Psychology Inc., and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind us in any respect whatsoever.
  • Waiver: The failure of either you or us to exercise, in any way, any right herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder.
  • Severability: If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated, to the minimum extent necessary, so that these Terms shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.
  • Entire Agreement: You agree that these Terms are the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding between you and us, and that it supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of these Terms.


Jeanne’s ability to engage with clients in an authentic and grounded manner created a healing space of trust and hope. Her curiosity and keen intelligence broadened her clinical skills and personal development. Her integrity and ability to create safe boundaries further enhances her efficacy as a therapist.
Eileen Bond, LCSW - Social Worker, University of Michigan Supervising Faculty

Jeanne brings deep wisdom, exquisite care, and years of experience to her work as a psychologist. I recommend her, and her work, wholeheartedly.

She is an outstanding professional. Her patients would be fortunate to have her as their provider.

Carolyn Daitch, PhD - Psychologist, Author, Road to Calm Workbook, Affect Regulation Toolbox, Anxious in Love, and Anxiety Disorders: The Go to Guide for Clients and Therapists, CarolynDaitchPHD.com

Jeanne takes her responsibilities as a healer and medical professional very seriously, and consistently strives to offer the best possible care for her clients. Her clients very much value her presence and the work she does with them, and they grow and change and create more satisfying lives with less suffering as a result of it. I think the world of her!

Julie Leader, PhD - Psychologist, JulieLeader.com
Dr. (Duax) Jakob has years of experience and expertise as a mental health professional. She has published research in scientific journals, helped conduct clinical research trials, successfully treated patients with complex mental health conditions, and consulted interdisciplinary teams in hospital and clinic settings. She is intelligent, kind, and compassionate and dedicated to her profession and patients.
Michael Messina, PhD, Associate Chief, Mental Health

Jeanne is curious, compassionate and incredibly competent – a constellation of what makes a great therapist. Having trained with her, I was impressed from day one with her command of the research – and also really appreciated her desire to learn more and more and more. She draws from a wealth of experience and different forms of therapy to provide individualized care, giving all of us therapists an example to live up to.

Jeanne is a thoughtful and present clinician. She is skilled at building relationships and using her empathy and insight to help people make progress toward their goals. I cherished our time as colleagues and friends!
Danielle Shapiro, PhD, ABPP-CN - Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Michigan Medicine

Jeanne is a particularly skilled and dedicated clinical psychologist, well trained and experienced in helping people struggling with a variety of mental health concerns. She uses evidence based interventions in a nuanced, individually tailored, caring and collaborative manner. She integrates cognitive, behavioral and interpersonal elements for excellent care. She is a warm and genuine person and colleague. I give her my ultimate compliment – which is that I wouldn’t hesitate to refer a loved one to her care!

Jeanne is an incredibly skilled and compassionate therapist and colleague. She has a warm, thoughtful style in which she individualizes treatment to each individual with her strong foundation in evidence-based practice. She is constantly pushing herself to learn and incorporate new approaches in order to give her clients the most effective treatment.

Emily Wharton, PsyD - Psychologist, ACT Trainer, Emily Wharton, PsyD

Jeanne has been a colleague, a friend and a mentor for over 15 years. She champions the work of anxiety treatment, mood disorders and PTSD. I highly recommend her services for both her warm/inviting style and expertise.

Georgia Pitsakis, LCSW - Social Work Manager, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Jeanne is a wonderful clinician who is highly knowledgeable about evidence-based interventions. She also deeply cares about her clients and provides them with the respect, unconditional acceptance, and thoughtfulness they deserve.

Nicole Peak, PhD - Psychologist, Sillon Wellness
Jeanne is an excellent, evidence-based clinician who provides state of the art care to her clients. She provides strength based individualized services informed by collaborative goal setting. She is compassionate and creative in her work, and always striving to maximize her impact on individuals and mental health care more broadly.
Norah Feeny, PhD - Professor, Case Western Reserve University
An intelligent, positive, forward thinker and collaborator.
Kate Keenan, PhD - Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago

Jeanne is a flexible and warm, smart and kind clinician and person. She is always looking for ways to improve her practice and client outcomes. She is insightful and creatively able to apply science to improve client function and quality of life.

I pinch myself often because I can’t believe my good fortune to have Jeanne as a member of our consultation team. Jeanne is relentlessly curious, diligent, generous, and vulnerable, which sets the tone to challenge us to be better while we simultaneously feel encouraged and valued. She truly is all that and a bag of chips!
Soo Uhm, PhD - Psychologist, PsychSkillsForMe.com
Jeanne is a remarkably kind, insightful, patient, and forward-thinking psychologist always mindful of the latest in psychological science. Her expertise in applying the ‘art’ of therapy as well is truly exceptional, and individuals lucky enough to secure her as their psychologist will quickly experience and benefit from her skills.
Fellow Bay Area Psychologist

Jeanne is a wonderful person and a skilled professional. I have always been impressed with her skill as a therapist.

James Overholser, PhD - Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Board-certified clinical psychologist, Author of the Clinical Guide for The Socratic Method of Psychotherapy

Jeanne is very skillful as a clinician and I really enjoy consulting with her. I find her opinions very helpful and thoughtful and she is a trusted colleague I happily refer clients to.

Moira Kessler, MD - Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist, Moira Kessler, MD

Jeanne had a solid overview of running a private practice efficiently.

Tamara Wade, MSW, Tamara Wade Therapy

Jeanne is among the most thoughtful therapists I’ve ever known. She is exceptionally well trained in evidence-based treatments and is gifted in her ability to tailor these treatments to her clients. What impresses me most about Jeanne is all of the work she puts in behind the scenes – coordinating with other providers, consulting with colleagues, reflecting on cases in the shower. It’s no wonder she’s one of the most sought after therapists in the Bay area.

Caroline Fleck, PhD - Psychologist, DrCarolineFleck.com

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